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Fluidata MPLS image
  • Dedicated Private Network
  • No VPNs required
  • Intelligent pan European network
  • Quality of Service
  • 36 month initial contract
  • 24/7 support
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Multi Protocol Label Switching is a virtual private networking solution which makes use of packet labeling to allow efficient packet switching and prioritization. Every device on the MPLS network, and within the ISPs MPLS cloud, reads the MPLS headers allowing complete control of traffic shaping and prioritization. Due to the intelligent routing of MPLS packets, data will take the shortest route between sites, rather than via a central hub, ensuring real-time applications do not suffer at peak times on your MPLS network, or when passing through bottlenecks on busy links.

MPLS provides the ultimate in networking solutions for companies who demand service over cost, with traffic control at individual packet level.

How do MPLS and PWAN differ?
MPLS is compatible with fewer types of connections but offers unparalleled levels of end to end Quality of Service, perfect for global deployments where more than one service is required such as data and voice.
Why IS MPLS so expensive?
Every device in the network needs to understand MPLS tags correctly, so the MPLS cloud is expensive to maintain and this has to be offset by the connection cost.