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We feel the best way for you to understand our products and services is to see how some of our customers have benefitted from them in real life deployments.

Talon Manufacturing - "Fluidata’s recommended ADSLvox has delivered excellent results and exceeded our expectations in terms of cost, speed and reliability. We have no problem in recommending Fluidata’s services..."
Stewardship - "Fluidata have provided a highly professional and helpful service, which is why when we required additional connectivity for the second phase of our software project we knew Fluidata would have the perfect solution for us..."
Axis Mason - "We have benefited from the BURST solution provided as not only are transfer speeds really good but their overall level of service definitely exceeded our expectations. They say a provider is only as good as when there is a problem with the service..."
Fletchers Solicitors - "Fluidata set up our connection in less than a week from ordering. I was very pleased that Fluidata took the time to ask us what we were going to use the circuit for and recommended the BURST product as a better match than the SDSL we were originally looking at..."
SDSL Leased Line
Young Vic - "Fluidata provided us with a dedicated connection for our temporary office which was then migrated to the refurbished London theatre. Fluidata supplied an SDSL Leased Line service with managed Cisco router..."
Future Science Group - "Our network was grinding to a halt and thanks to a quick response from Fluidata we were able to remove a compromised laptop from the network and restore regular service before any major damage was done..."
Lemon Studios - PureFluid Burst - "The service has been faultless since we have had PureFluid and has enabled us to offer resilient reliable internet connectivity to our customers that is affordable for our business..."
Thomson Intermedia - PureFluid Burst - "I looked at a few suppliers of bonded DSL products but Fluidata were the only ones to come back with a simple and precise proposal, that also came within budget, as well as within our time scales..."
Eazyfone Group - PureFluid Burst ² - "We at Eazyfone Ltd have been delighted with the service and support that we have had from Fluidata, from the initial sales team through to the support team..."
Leased Line
Astraeus - "Fluidata has been able, against all odds, to install new leased lines at both Manchester and Gatwick airports when other ISPs were unable to do so or quoted incredibly high prices..."
The Archbishops Council - "We were impressed with Fluidata and coupled with their competitive solution, decided to partner with them. The installation was smooth and on time and in the 10 months since they installed the service, we have had absolutely no problems or faults whatsoever..."
CWDC - "Whenever we spoke with Fluidata, we got the response we needed from consultants who knew what they were talking about..."
Horwath Clark Whitehill - "Fluidata has a very modern and forward-thinking approach to customer service,” Ian Norman says. “Every individual we’ve met at every level has been trained to a high level…"