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Advance builds on Fluidata’s products by offering businesses the extra resiliency and support they require. The system intelligently utilises a backup line through a different carrier, using a different product (VOX 0.8) while using the same IP range. The system has been designed to be completely autonomous meaning no interaction is required for the system to switch between either working line should the client suffer a fault. The technology is available with Fluidata’s BURST, VOX 2.0 or SDSL services.

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Fluidata Advanced Image
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20 Mb/s Downstream*
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2 Mb/s Upstream*
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  • 1:1 contention*
  • RIPE static IP
  • 99.99% SLA
  • 12 month initial contract
  • Uptime monitoring
  • SMS and email alerts
  • Nationwide availability
  • Onsite installation
  • BT Enhanced Care
  • Fully managed
  • 24/7 support
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Dual Advance takes the Advance product line to the next level. Unlike the PureFluid system which aggregates multiple lines into one pipe, Dual Advance maintains the line independence. This allows for the client to specify which line is used for what traffic, completely segregating Voice and Data for example.

The uptime guarantees of Advance are maintained as either line can still carry both types of traffic should one of the lines suffer from a fault. As each line is provided by a separate last mile carrier maximum uptime is assured as either line functions as a backup to the other.

This means BURST can be used for fast local data services while the SDSL acts as a backup. However a separate IP range is provided for the SDSL line so it can be fully used by a time critical function such as VoIP or Videoconferencing. Should either line fail the other seamlessly takes over the function of the line (with the IP addresses). Quality will be reduced as both types of traffic will run over the same line but it does mean it can continue to operate until the failed line has been repaired.

* this figure is governed on the types of products used within the Advance solution and is subject to change depending on which services are aggregated together

Why do I need Resiliance?
Because technical faults happen and if you are not prepared you could put your business at unnecessary risk. With Advance you mitigate against last mile failures and maximise uptime.
Do I need to install lines?
No. The Advance and Dual Advance packages come with all the necessary hardware, lines and activation to ensure the service is delivered as one providing quick and easy deployment.