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SDSL 10:1
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2Mb/s Downstream
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2Mb/s Upstream
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  • 10:1 contention
  • RIPE static IP
  • 99.9% SLA
  • 12 month initial contract
  • Nationwide availability
  • Line Installation
  • Wires-only or fully managed
  • BT Enhanced Care
  • 24/7 support
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SDSL offers business grade symmetric Internet connectivity at a cost-effective price; ideal for small to medium offices and high-availability demands. Using a BT copper tail, Fluidata makes the most of the local technology in each area to provide a highly competitive yet reliable SDSL service. This means Fluidata is able to offer SDSL to a wide range of areas outside of BT’s SDSL footprint.

SDSL 10:1 provides an excellent starting point for any business looking to make the switch from a contended service, such as ADSL, and provides a stepping-stone to Fluidata’s other products such as SDSL Leased Line and PureFluid.

How is contention guaranteed?
SDSL 10:1 is provided over C&W’s Access network which can guarantee contention ratios all the way to Fluidata's core network. This ensures the service never experiences more than 10:1 contention.
Where can SDSL be deployed?
SDSL 10:1 is available at 800 exchanges across the UK. The low response rates making it perfect for VoIP and real-time applications.