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Fluidata SDSL Leased Line Image
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2Mb/s Downstream
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2Mb/s Upstream
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  • 1:1 contention
  • RIPE static IP
  • 99.9% SLA
  • 12 month initial contract
  • Nationwide availability
  • Line installation
  • Wires-only or fully managed
  • BT Enhanced Care
  • 24/7 support
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This product is ideal for businesses requiring high-speed, symmetric access to the Internet. The low latency and symmetric bandwidth make it ideal for thin-client applications, as well as VPN solutions. An SDSL Leased Line is also perfect for onsite hosting of web content: where there is a requirement for high bandwidth data transfer both up and downstream.

The 2 Mb/s SDSL service has eight times more upload bandwidth than traditional ADSL, and two and a half times more upload bandwidth than ADSLvox. The symmetric download and upload speeds, as well as reduced latency, also make SDSL perfect for real-time communications such as VoIP and high-quality video conferencing.

SDSL Leased Line Advance is a further product development, offering customers instant and seamless failover should the SDSL service fail for whatever reason giving a 99.99% uptime guarantee. The service takes advantage of Fluidata’s ADSLvox product to provide 0.8 Mb/s up and down in emergency over the same public IP address range. This means in the event of a failure on the SDSL service no manual intervention or reconfiguration is required by the client. The service is so quick in failing over between the two lines that even VPN tunnels stay open or a VoIP call can continue during a failure. SDSL Leased Line Advance provides a truly resilient and reliable service utilising cost-effective DSL technologies.

Why is the upload speed better?
SDSL is a symmetric service using a wider range of frequencies on the copper line, including those normally used for voice on telephone lines. This means uncontended SDSL can truly be deployed as a leased line alternative.
How is the support backed up?
The majority of faults with any DSL product are either at the exchange or on the "last mile of copper". Because of this Fluidata always provides BT Enhanced Care to ensure BT respond quickly to any fault.